Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Badminton Trial

Well, after about three years away, I went back down to our local club last night by popular demand. ;o) Oh the shame of it, after 5 minutes on court, I looked like I had run a marathon. The court felt so much bigger than it used to do. But I persevered and quite enjoyed myself.

Much of the old gang were there including a couple of my old partners. I even won a game!

And more importantly, although my body felt a bit run through the mill, my back was on the whole fairly consistent. I will ease my way gently in. It does seem weird that I can actually play squash with none of this trouble but I thought as much.

Well, it was just so great being back on court that I have resolved to keep going back and maybe being able to manage 10 mins before exhaustion kicks in next time. You never know, I may even manage a game of singles again one day.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Busier than a bee being busy - thats how busy

I'm flagging.

You would not believe it.

This week, I've been working in Manchester, Leeds, Derby, Hull and Milton Keynes and it is barely Tuesday evening. Many people think I lead a lazy kind of life, working "from home" and online virutally always (How on earth have I managed to update my blog for starters), but sometimes you wouldn't envy my timetable.

Alright, rant over - just one paragraph - that's good for me. It's nearly Easter. Theoretically, we (all of the Evos) are going to Spring Harvest for five days or so from April 18 with a bunch of friends. And I am intending to do nowt but relax - maybe the odd game of table tennis or something, but mainly, just nothing. Well, I will of course listen to a few speakers but in a relaxed way. It's been so long. Kids all taken care of throughout the days. Heaven!

But reality will not be kept out for very long I'm sure and it may even be that I have to pull out of it - which Mrs Evo will really not like.

So for those of you with an open line of communication with the Guy upstairs, a few words in my favour would be appreciated.