Friday, January 12, 2007

Soupstar Soaperstar

I can only be accused of being half a "insert bad name of your own choosing". I do not watch all of this, just the coronation St gang and Hayley T cos I think she is actually a good singer. Sky+ to thank for easy editing.

Antony Cotton is my winner. His voice is mediocre at best but he is such an entertainer. I can really see him with his own Barrymoresque chat show. However good the others are, they don't have any stage presence.

Thumbs up to David Guest though, very amusing.

Vote Antony!


Blogger Mark T said...

You'll rot your brain you know!

6:07 PM  
Blogger phil said...

as ive said before i never watch tv much, and certainly not when music is on, but i must admit tracy has had it on and ive been sat where i can hear it but not taking any notice of it really except to say things like good god who the bloody hell is this killing this bloody song etc etc, but i must admit i have enjoyed the little bits of the show where the judges have been commenting on his performance and he has been giving the little comments back, i will also admit that the other night when he was doing the shirley bassey bit, i wasnt taking any notice of what programme was on just the annoying row coming out of the room but i actually thought it was shirley bassey. he is a very funny guy and is so quick with a put down remark, i think evo could be right i wouldnt be suprised if a producer sees an opportunity for an opening( ooer missus) because as much as barrymore was a bad lad in his personal life he was a good entertainer and i think there is a void in the market that anthony could fill very well.........even i might watch him.

8:09 AM  

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