Sunday, June 11, 2006

Oozing Positivity

I thought the blogging world was in need of some positive poetry.

Here's one I wrote for an Iranian friend of mine as he was having a really tough time - despite the fact he had a lovely family, some fab mates (no self congratulation intended) and generally having a very good time - though one or two things where getting to him. It's about 16 years old but it has helped me to keep positive loads and loads of time (not that you may have noticed).

Now I can only remember the first verse but I have it written down somewhere and I will print up the whole thing in good time (when we unpack it once moved in).

It's about the human instinct to concentrate on the small amount of bad stuff whilst entirely taking for granted the good stuff. Imagine a life where we were overwhelmed by the good stuff all the time but just took for granted the cr*p we have to put up with - where when we looked into a field of sheep with one black one in the middle, we spent most of our time noticing the mass of white. Or when we looked at a beautifully decorated wall, we didn't spend much time looking at the small rip in the corner where the four year old has had a nibble.

OK, without further ado:

Why is it when our lives are good
And we have got the things we need
And the things we need have us
That we will think of things that hurt
That might disturb the calming thoughts
And by the thinking, does.


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